How To Create Educational TikTok & Short Form Videos

Influencers and entrepreneurs work hard to build credibility with their audience/customers. Showing people that you are an authority in your area of expertise, whether that be cooking, doing makeup, accounting, etc., helps to build a more loyal following, and can draw in new viewers that might not otherwise see your content.
To be successful on TikTok, educational videos will need to be short, sweet, and simple. Make sure your videos are engaging and quick to watch. Basically, viewers need to be fed information as clearly and simply as possible to avoid confusion of any kind. Content for educational purposes does not have to cover the whole picture but should provide enough information to let viewers know what you're about. You don't need to answer all their questions but give them enough to spark their interest. Give people a chance to interact with your content by asking questions.
So, how do you begin making educational TikToks? In theory, there are no limits to the types of educational content you can create on TikTok, but to get started, here are nine fun ideas that entertain and educate:

Talking Head Videos

One of the most common types of educational content, “talking head” videos feature a single person talking directly to the camera. Talking head videos are a good way to share more complex information and ideas since you can talk through an issue while also showing examples and clarifying images. Talking head videos are also great for people just starting on TikTok since you can get started with just yourself and your smartphone.
Find a nice background and set up your phone in front of yourself at face height. Putting it on a counter or shelf works well when you are getting started, but many TikTok creators end up investing in a tripod or stand to hold their phone. You can also hold the phone, just try not to move around too much.
You can combine this style of making TikToks with other types of educational content like hack videos, how-tos, and reviews, and product videos.

How-To Videos

The title of these videos says it all: they are videos that teach or demonstrate how to do something. How-tos usually involve filming yourself doing the task, using an item, making something, etc. Once the video is made and edited, you can add a voiceover or captions.
Pro tip: Always add captions to your TikTok videos! Captions help hearing impaired and non-English speakers understand your content, and it’s been shown that most people are more likely to engage in videos that include captions, regardless of hearing or language ability.


The purpose of tutorials is to provide insight into the "why" rather than just the "how." For example, a how-to might say “...keep the oven door closed” whereas a tutorial would read more along the lines of “…keep the oven door closed to ensure no heat is lost.”
While you can certainly share long-form or highly detailed projects on TikTok, the best place to start is with smaller, more manageable tutorials. If you sell products, try doing a tutorial on one aspect of your products. For example, if you sell lotions and bath products, you might do a tutorial on why you should be moisturizing after washing your face to prevent dry skin.

Frequently Asked Question Videos

The purpose of FAQ videos is to answer frequently asked questions. Answering questions in a video format allows you to clearly and efficiently reach more viewers than just the original commenter, so don’t bother with responding to FAQs in the comments.
If you don’t receive many comments or are just starting your TikTok channel, try starting with some of the questions you had when you first entered your industry. Answer the questions your friends and family ask you about your work or try sharing facts about your products/services that you’ve noticed people seem interested in. Once you start getting viewer engagement you can begin responding to specific comments.

Industry Updates

Is something exciting happening in your industry? Has there been a recent product launch from a big company or a change to regulations that will impact your customers? Industry update videos are the perfect way to keep your viewers and customers in the know about your industry while also encouraging them to visit your channel for more updates.
Whether the news you have to share is good or bad, try to frame it in an interesting way by hitting just the most important and juicy points. Boil the topic down to a few important facts, then present the idea as simply as possible. Remember, your viewers probably aren’t industry professionals, so your updates should be easy to understand for someone who has just stumbled upon your channel.

Product Reviews

Review videos are one of the most popular types of educational videos, and one of the easiest to make (check out these templates). Consider reviewing products that fit within similar niches or that your ideal customers are likely to use. For example: if you own a beauty salon, you might review a new shampoo or conditioner from a popular brand, or review an especially expensive styling tool to determine whether it really is worth the hype. Product reviews are also a great way to build a closer relationship with your viewers since they’ll be able to decide whether you have the same likes and dislikes as them.

Curated Content

The purpose of curated content is to showcase things you like. If you run a business, you might share the website you can't live without or the tools you need to create the products you need. If you are a baker, you might share your favorite ingredients or the tools you use every day in your kitchen.
Sometimes, big brands will even reach out to smaller creators to ask them to share their products in their curated content. These paid advertisements are a fun way to make some extra money and can help you get more engagement from another business’ viewers.

Product In-Use Videos

If you sell products, showing them in-use in your videos is an amazing way to promote them, and educate your audience on your business! These videos can be created in the style of a demo or can involve you casually using your products in everyday life. No, you don’t have to present your products like you're a telemarketer, just share your natural enthusiasm for the products you sell.


Although they don't usually work, hack videos are some of the most likely to go viral. The majority of hacks I see aren’t really hacks at all and are merely advertisements. Again, hack videos should be focused on your particular niche, but beyond that, you can be as creative as you would like. Try starting with something you do in real life.
Maybe you have a hack for using your tools in a specific way, or you know how to spend less money on supplies. Maybe you have a cooking hack to share or something you do at home in your personal life that isn’t even related to the products or services you sell. No matter what, be sure your hacks are entertaining and relatively simple.

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